Obesity is currently considered to be a global health problem, with one person in three being overweight. When classical nutritional and behavioural approaches fail, bariatric surgery can help.


Why Choose the Czech Republic?

Czech bariatrics uses the latest methods, and holds global primacy in laparoscopic gastric banding. The gastric fundoplication method, where the stomach wall is folded in on itself and then sewn together, was even pioneered here (as well as in the USA). Prior to surgery, we recommend visiting one of the Czech spa facilities that specialize in anti-obesity and healthy lifestyle programmes. In combination with bariatric surgery, this ensures optimum results.
Czech doctors perform surgery laparoscopically (also termed keyhole surgery), as this is a less invasive method of dealing with obesity, reducing the negative effects of surgery and improving the patient’s post-operative condition and recuperation. An important consideration is the price of surgery, which is significantly less than in Western Europe and the USA.

Most Frequently Requested Procedures

Bariatric procedures are suitable for clients with a BMI of 35 or more. Their goal is to reduce the patient’s food intake without attendant feelings of hunger. Without a doubt, bariatric surgery has the best long-term effects in treating obesity in clients with a BMI ≥40.

Gastric Banding

One of the most popular bariatric surgery procedures is gastric banding. Here, a silicon sleeve is laparoscopically implanted around the upper part of the stomach, resulting in an hourglass shape. The upper part has a small volume (about 20 to 30 ml). After ingestion of a small amount of food, the upper part of the stomach quickly fills up and the patient feels full. A gastroscopic examination is required prior to surgery to rule out problems with the oesophagus and stomach, as well as an abdominal ultrasound scan.
After the surgery, patients usually lose around 2 kg per month, for around 2 years. A major advantage of this surgery is that the band can be left in place permanently to provide an early feeling of satiety.

  • duration of surgery: 40–60 minutes
  • total anaesthetic: yes (depending on the procedure)
  • hospitalization: 1–4 days


Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Vertical sleeve gastrectomy or tubulisation of the stomach is another often-requested procedure. This is restrictive surgery that is performed laparoscopically, and consists of reducing stomach volume by 70-85 %. The stomach is cut longitudinally and re-sewn along its entire length to create a tube or sleeve. This not only reduced the stomach’s capacity, but also reduces or even eliminates hunger on an empty stomach. Food portions are significantly reduced, and the patient loses more weight and more quickly than with gastric banding. A gastroscopic examination is required prior to surgery to rule out problems with the oesophagus and stomach, as well as an abdominal ultrasound scan.

  • duration of surgery: 2–3 hours
  • total anaesthetic: yes (depending on the procedure)
  • hospitalization:4–7 days


Stomach Plication

Another modern treatment for obesity is LGCP – Laparoscopic Great Curvature Plication. During this operation, part of the stomach is bundled into itself so that it contains part of itself. The stomach’s volume is thus reduced to one-third to one-quarter of its original size. When eating, patients fill up after eating a small amount of food and quickly feel full. During the operation, no part of the stomach is removed and the stomach is not opened, resulting in low risk of surgery-related complications. The operation is fully reversible because the stitches can be removed. Patients usually lose about half of their excess weight over what is optimal for their height.

  • duration of surgery: 1.5 hours
  • total anaesthetic: yes (depending on the procedure)
  • hospitalization: 2-3 days

Czech clinics also offer the following procedures: intragastric balloon, Roux-Y gastric bypass, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. The choice of procedure depends on the client’s health and success of prior treatments.