Almost 11 million foreign tourists spent a total of 27 million nights in the Czech Republic in 2019, more than 403 000 tourists with a total of 1 million nights came from the Nordic countries.
This positive trend is especially notable on the Swedish and Danish markets. It is reflected both in the number of overnight stays and in the average duration of stays in days. Almost 153 000 tourists from Sweden came in the year 2019. They stayed in collective accommodation facilities, which is an increase of 5,5 % compared with the previous year.
The number of tourists from Denmark increased by 12,97%. Denmark is one of the countries whose tourists have the longest duration of stay in the Czech Republic, with an average duration of 3,89 nights.Almost 72 366 tourists arrived in the Czech Republic from Finland. More than 62 193 travellers came from Norway.
These data are based on recently published information from the Czech Statistical Office concerning the numbers of foreign visitors in collective accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic.