As the situation today is stable and there is continuing a downward trend of new instances of coronavirus over the past weeks, the country is ready to open the border.
As of the June 5th, the border checks at the land border between the Czech Republic and Austria and between the Czech Republic and Germany are abolished and these borders can be crossed at any point again. Tourists from Slovakia and Hungary are also allowed to enter the country without any restrictions. From June 15th, tourists from Switzerland, Slovenia, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Iceland, will be able to access the country without any restrictions such as testing or giving a reason for the trip.
Information on measures taken by the Government of the Czech Republic in the English language can be found here.
Here comes an overview of some of the most important measures you might want to know before travelling to the Czech Republic.
One of the key measures is keeping a „social distance“ of 2 meters. That includes all activities - indoor and outdoor. Using disinfectants near frequently touched objects (especially handles, railings, shopping carts). People are informed of the above rules, primarily through information posters at the entrance and throughout the establishment, or by stating the rules through loudspeaker announcements in the establishment.
A systemic cleaning plan is implemented, which defines the system of cleaning, disinfection, or decontamination of common areas based on expert recommendations from the local regional public health authority.
Accommodation facilities
It is clear, that the current environment requires a revision and a reinforcement of the protocols. Hotels are therefore following the latest recommendations of experts and international institutions in the safety against viral-infectious diseases field, including COVID-19. This means to adapt the prevention and hygiene processes to guarantee the maximum security and trust to the guests, teams and suppliers.
In Barcelo hotel group was established a Technical Commission to study and develop these protocols, with the aim that everyone can enjoy a return to activity with maximum safety and tranquillity. As a result, they launched a new concept: We Care About You, which represents all the experience and research in the field of safety, health and hygiene adapted to the new situation meanwhile not forgetting the main objective: make guests feel better and enjoy the experience.
Another example can be Czech hotel chain Pytloun hotels, which is launching on-line check-in system or the design hotel Neruda, where guests can choose whether they want to enjoy breakfast by being served at the table, prepared with strict hygiene standards or if they prefer their breakfast in rooms. Extraordinary measure ordered by Ministry of Helth to protect the population and prevent the occurrence and spread of the COVID-19 disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be found here.
In Barcelo hotel group was established a Technical Commission to study and develop these protocols, with the aim that everyone can enjoy a return to activity with maximum safety and tranquillity. As a result, they launched a new concept: We Care About You, which represents all the experience and research in the field of safety, health and hygiene adapted to the new situation meanwhile not forgetting the main objective: make guests feel better and enjoy the experience.
Another example can be Czech hotel chain Pytloun hotels, which is launching on-line check-in system or the design hotel Neruda, where guests can choose whether they want to enjoy breakfast by being served at the table, prepared with strict hygiene standards or if they prefer their breakfast in rooms. Extraordinary measure ordered by Ministry of Helth to protect the population and prevent the occurrence and spread of the COVID-19 disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be found here.
Restaurants, farmer markets, castles, museums, theatres
The operation of dining facility is prohibited between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. and they must observe that customers are seated so that there is a distance of a least 1.5 meters between them, except for customers sitting at one table. The operation of farmer’s markets and other outdoor markets and marketplaces, in that their operators can not sell foods designated exclusively for direct consumption.
The operation of castles, chateaux and other similar cultural monuments is limited by the number of visitors so as not to exceed 150 people per hectare of space of the facility. In the case of indoor premises, it is required to wear face masks. No more than 300 people may be in the facility at the same time, and simultaneously there must be no more than one visitor per 10 m2 of the premises accessible to visitors. Visitors must maintain a distance of at least 2 m from each other, except for members of the same household.
Same rules apply for visiting museums, galleries, exhibition halls and other similar facilities. The number of visitors in zoos, botanical gardens, arboretums and similar facilities most 300 viewers in the audience of theatres, cinemas, concert halls, circuses and similar facilities. No foods or beverages are served or consumed.
Public transport and air traffic
Public transport all over the Czech Republic is operating as usual, but passengers are required to wear a face mask covering their nose and mouth when using public transport. Face masks, respirators and protective gloves are available in the common network of pharmacies and medical facilities.
Air traffic is gradually being restored. See current information on the website of Václav Havel Airport in Prague.
Measures and recommendations may change, therefore we recommend to follow the further development. Current information on entry to the territory of the Czech Republic is available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.