United Kingdom, Ireland
Czech Republic competes with European cycling superpowers
There are about forty thousand marked cycle routes in the Czech Republic with a total length of approximately 8,800 km and 55 bike or trail parks, of which about one third meet the requirements of even the most demanding foreign clients. If we add the mild character of the Czech mountains and pleasant temperatures to this, the Czech Republic can match any other cycling superpower as an autumn cycling destination, even for such cycling powers as Italy or Austria.
In the years 2021-2027, investments in cycling transport infrastructure should exceed CZK 3.6 billion (CZK 0.6 million / National Recovery Plan, CZK 3 billion / IROP). In 2021, another CZK 750 million should come from the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure to increase safety and to build and repair new cycle paths.

Cycling is the second most common holiday activity after hiking, and its popularity keeps on growing. Last year, Czechs spent more than CZK 10 billion on bicycles and biking equipment, and 350,000 bicycles were sold. According to a survey carried out by the internet search engine Heureka.cz, sales of bicycles in e-shops increased by 68% year-on-year last year (2019/2020), while in March of this year, they rose by 427% compared to last March.

The CzechTourism agency primarily addresses domestic cyclists and bikers through the Kudy z nudy portal, which, in addition to the offered cycling and biking activities, provides visitors with the opportunity to plan a trip around the area and visit local events and tourist attractions. Cycling activities featured on the kudyznudy.cz portal are currently among the most popular, right after swimming.

This year, the CzechTourism agency participated in the creation of several cycling programmes for Czech Television, featuring the following series: On Trails through the Mountains (Czech: Po trailech přes hory), Random Bike Trails (Cyklotoulky) and Through the Czech Republic in Search of Sports and More (Českem nejen za sportem). Over a million and a half viewers have watched inspiring shows and documentaries on cycling and more.