欢迎您来到 Loket(洛克特“胳膊肘”城堡)。在曾经用于储存啤酒的仓库中新建了一座带有高级餐厅的酒店,它的装饰风格源于奥匈帝国弗莱克·费迪南德时期。酒店的一部分现在是Sv. Florián圣弗罗里昂家族啤酒厂,在这里您可以品尝到三种啤酒。您可以在舒适宁静的环境中享受午餐,与此同时,您还可以欣赏到周围的城堡和各种自然美景。这里的特色菜是斯拉夫烤乳猪—您可以每个星期四到这里来品尝。天气晴朗明媚时,你还可以坐在露台之上眺望。
The hotel is also home to the St. Florián family brewery with a beer hall where there are three types of beer on draught. You can have lunch in quiet and romantic surroundings with a view of the royal castle and natural amphitheatre. A speciality here is piglet roasted in a Slavic oven – you can try it every Thursday. If the weather is nice, you can also sit outside on the summer terrace.


Hotel Císař Ferdinand
T. G. Masaryka 136
357 33 Loket