您能发现一座古老的市民住宅里蕴藏的秘密。270多年前这里原本是一家药房,现在是著名的克罗梅日什啤酒厂和餐馆、招待所和宾馆。餐馆主厨为您准备了“黑鹰”鸡排或大块的猪肉里脊,您可从当地的啤酒厂生产的啤酒选择品种用于佐餐,例如10度的激情特色酒(添加蒺藜的淡色啤酒)或8度的黑鹰牌半黑啤酒(Černý orel)。假如啤酒使您爽口,您可再去啤酒厂参观,那里您能品尝各色各样的地方品牌。
Choose one of the beers produced right in the local brewery to go with this – for example the 10° intense special (a light beer with added caltrop herb) or the 12° semi-dark Černý orel. If you get a taste for the beer, you can arrange an excursion in the brewery and try the wide range of local beers on offer.