在 Noem Arch 餐厅中,您会体验到一种与往常乘船有所不同的全新感受。新鲜美味的海鲜以及丰厚的葡萄酒卡会为您的旅程锦上添花。在夏季时,这里还会将举办烧烤节和鸡尾酒节。如果您是在4月14日在餐厅就餐,您还可以品尝一下当时泰坦尼克号上所提供的食物。您的旅程一定会平安顺利,充满乐趣。
The garden is open during the summer months with a grill and offer of cocktails. If you find yourself in the restaurant on 14 April, you will most likely try the eleven-course menu which was served on that very same day on the Titanic. But this cruise will end well even without life vests.