优雅的“名流”餐厅,在客人眼前烹制一流的捷克和摩拉维亚上等菜肴—— 这是真正不寻常的值得观赏的景象。事先设置好的常规菜单中的菜肴,可唤醒您的味蕾—— 无论是kohoutí vývar s trhanými zázvorovými nudlemi生姜面条配鸡汤,或者是烤鸭腿,葡萄酒浸白菜及面疙瘩,等待您的是不寻常的美食体验。您将享受特殊的时令菜谱中的特色菜,这是每两个星期才会轮到的菜肴。
Gratify your taste buds with dishes from the set menu – whether you choose cockerel bouillon with ripped ginger noodles or roast duck thigh with wine cabbage and potato dumplings with lard, a gastronomic experience awaits you. Why not also try specialities from the seasonal Business Menu, which changes every two weeks.