在位于 českokrumlovském(捷克克鲁姆洛夫)帅克餐厅里,您会发现这里所有的一切都和捷克文学人物士兵帅克有关。这家餐厅位于一幢历史建筑中,全新的内部装饰、木制家具、围墙以及酒柜都使其与众不同。这里为食客们供应传统的捷克美食、蔬菜食品以及各式甜点。当然,还有优质的啤酒也是必不可少的。在舒适宁静的氛围中,食客们仿佛被带回奥匈帝国时期。另外,在配有红莓酱的“帅克纽扣”中到底隐藏着什么,也值得食客们一探究竟。
Apart from traditional Czech dishes, the menu also includes vegetarian meals and sweet foods from the patisserie. Superb beers are of course also served here. Allow yourself to be carried away by the pleasant atmosphere of the Austro-Hungarian era and discover what it is hiding behind the name “Švejk’s button with cranberry sauce”!