乌捷洛维·高乌雷 (U Dělové koule) 餐馆,伊琴
在市中心的伊琴宾馆有一家称作乌捷洛维·高乌雷的餐馆,餐馆中布置着普鲁士奥地利战争中遗留下的武器、绘画和军装,其装饰风格可追溯到1866年。著名的當地特產是烤羊腿培根。汤类中配小园面包的鸭杂碎汤最为有名。您也可以品尝家制面条。如果遇上好天气,您可在夏季花园内休息,为满足您的胃口您可到地下室, 到葡萄酒窖去品尝年代久远的葡萄酒。
A famed local speciality is the knuckle of lamb with bacon, and the duck caldoun with bread dumplings stands out from among the soups. You can also enjoy homemade pasta. If the weather is nice, you can have a seat on the summer terrace and move down a floor for more taste experiences – to the wine cellar with its archive wines.