欢迎您来到 Purkmistr 啤酒餐厅。您一定要品尝一下这里的特色菜—配有面包、红莓、奶油膏的牛里脊。除此之外,这里还有许多其他的特色菜。如果您对啤酒的历史以及酿造过程感兴趣的话,那么,您不妨去当地的啤酒厂参观一下。而对那些更喜欢葡萄酒的游客们来说,在由曾是地窖改建而成的葡萄酒商店里选购一些葡萄美酒是很好的选择。
The originality of the interior is underlined by the copper brewing equipment and the barkeeper pours beer from a bar directly connected to the lager tank. If you are interested in the history of the brewery and production of beer, you will certainly appreciate the possibility of taking a tour of the brewery combined with a tasting session. Those who prefer wine can make their choice from the wide range on offer in the wine bar here in the historical cellar.


Pivovarský dvůr
Selská náves 21/2
326 00 Plzeň