您有没有在啤酒窖中吃过午饭或者是晚饭?在U Orloje餐厅和啤酒馆内您可以身亲体验一下。U Orloje餐厅和啤酒馆是Chrámu Chmele a Piva“啤酒花和啤酒教堂”的一部分。夏季时,您可以坐在院子中,在这里您可以品尝到不同地域的美食和当地的三种啤酒。这里当地的特色菜和黑啤酒一定不会令您失望。而这些美食也从侧面反应出了当地的历史变迁。
The regional specialities and three types of local beer offered promise a true gastronomic experience. Have some homemade dumplings or smoked shoulder of pork prepared in dark beer and you will certainly not regret it. The dishes reflect the local historical development and are, just like the drinks, prepared from local ingredients.