与利普诺和奥尔利克大坝一样,斯拉皮大坝也是伏尔塔瓦河梯级水坝的一部分。斯拉皮是著名的度假胜地,位于布拉格以南30公里。这里自然美景环绕,有很多引人入胜之处。还有许多露营地,以及酒店和旅社,非常适合远足和单车旅行。您也可以租小船、脚踏船、摩托艇和游艇,试试您钓鱼的运气,或乘船游览。您可以坐船从斯拉皮大坝出发,穿越 113 公里长的河道到达伏尔塔瓦河畔的泰恩。在途中欣赏伏尔塔瓦河两岸美丽的自然风光。
Visitors have at their disposal a large number of camps, hotels and guesthouses and can set out into the beautiful surrounding countryside for hiking or cycle tours. Tourists can hire boats, pedalos, motorboats or yachts, try their luck at fishing or go on a cruise. Take to the water and navigate a 113 km-long stretch of the Vltava leading through the beautiful scenery of the middle Vltava basin, starting at the Slapy Reservoir and finishing at Týn nad Vltavou.