这座捷克共和国最古老的葡萄园,是欧洲十大顶级葡萄园之一。národního parku Podyjí (Podyjí宝迪伊国家公园)中心优质的土壤,在此形成河曲的Dyje迪耶河都为葡萄园种植提供了理想的条件。公元2世纪,罗马军团穿越摩拉维亚时,就已经发现了它良好的条件。品质优异的Šobeská葡萄酒经常被抢购一空。1996年,英女王伊丽莎白二世品尝了这座葡萄园出产的rulandské šedé卢兰茨灰色葡萄酒,对其赞不绝口。在参观葡萄园的同时,你还可以参观Podyjí国家公园。对旅行者和自行车爱好者来说直通葡萄园的Greenways Praha–Wien(布拉格到维也纳绿色之旅)是不错的选择。
The quality of the location was allegedly already recognised by Roman legionnaires when they passed through Moravia in the 2nd century A.D. Wines from Šobes are of such a high quality that they are usually already sold out before the grapes are harvested and in 1996, even the British queen Elizabeth II enjoyed the Ruland Grey variety from this vineyard. Combine a visit with sight-seeing in Podyje National Park. The Greenways Prague–Vienna trail, which is suitable for walkers and cyclists, leads directly through the vineyards.