轮臂,水轮,谷物,去皮辊子,筛子......你不知道我们是在谈些什么?您将会在南部捷克靠近兹诺伊莫城的迪耶河上的水磨坊里弄明白这一切。这个磨坊始建于13世纪 Oslavany(奥斯拉万尼)的女子修道院。今天保持了文艺复兴时期的磨坊的外观,仍然在运转着。该建筑是四个轮子和一个驱动的水磨,是一个唯一的独特的磨坊技术纪念碑。这个展览是旧时光的磨坊驱动器的崇拜者和爱好者的天堂。您可以看到后面的轧机操作和直接观察到磨粮的全过程。每年9月,这里还将隆重庆祝“面包节”,以及民俗表演。
The building with four functioning water wheels and mill race is a unique technical monument. The exhibition is a paradise for fans of mechanics and admirers of times gone by. You will see the mill in full working order and thus find out what the whole process of milling grain involved. What is more, a “Bread Festival” is held here every year in September which is combined with a folklore programme.