

Rájec nad Svitavou-山茶花城堡

在访问 Rájec nad Svitavou 城堡时,男女游客们可以立即成为茶花女或者茶花男。在摩拉维亚岩溶地貌中,您会发现不仅有内部装饰豪华的萨尔门公爵法国新古典主义风格的城堡,而且发现盛开的灌木植物山茶花。可以观赏这些美丽的在2至3月期间开放的花朵,或者在三月上旬参观一个特殊的为期一周的展览。在这里你可以为你自己的花园买到新鲜的山茶花,以及城堡中不同寻常的纪念品。从城堡内部,将会看到19世纪摩拉维亚Moravského krasu喀斯特地貌 ——熊洞或钟乳石洞的罕见的头骨。

You can see these wonderful flowers from February until March, or at a special one-week exhibition at the start of March. You can also buy young camellias for your garden here and thus take home an unusual chateau souvenir. In the chateau interior, dating back predominantly to the second third of the 19th century, you will also see rare finds from the Moravian Karst – skulls of cave bears and stalactites.