Jan Hus Festivities
Musical, theatre and other performances will be shown on the stage in the Old Town Square. Programme for children in Ovocný trh, spiritual programme in the nearby churches (St Nicholas, St Martin in the Wall and others). All events are held to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the martyrdom of Master Jan Hus.
5 July
  • 14.00 – 17.15 „To Jan Hus with Love“ / Bethlehem Chapel - spiritual and cultural meeting and presenting the new Mistr Jan Hus bell. Performers: A. Strejček, Št. Rak, ensembles Musica Bohemica, Kvintus, Pražští pěvci, Ensamle Inégal
  • 17.45 Pražský žesťový soubor (Prague Brass Ensemble) /Old Town Square
    18.00 - 20.00 Gala opening of the Jan Hus Festivities 2015/ Old Town Square - salutatory speeches, Moravian philharmony concert
  • 20.30 - 21.30 - "Hus until the End"/ Old Town Square - theatre, author of the text and music: M. Orson Štědroň, direction: A. Laštovsková Stodolová and SKÚTR

 6 July

  • 9.00 – 9.30 Parade to the Jan Hus statue in the Old Town Square with flowers laying / meeting at Rudolfinum at 8.30
  • Old Town Square
    9.45 Trubači
    10.00 Opening - speeches
    10.10 Domažlická dudácká muzika (folk music)
    11.10 Hradišťan
    12.10 Ústřední hudba Armády ČR (army music)
    13.10 Mezinárodní sbor M. J. Hus - Czech and foreign choirs performances
    13.50 Theatre parade arrival
    14.10 Smetanovi filharmonici Praha  (concert)
    15.10 Let´s go - spirituály
    16.10 Spirituál Kvintet
    17.00 Ecumenical mass
    18.10 Concert for Jan Hus - Tata Bojs, Poletíme etc.
    20.30 Oratorium Mistr Jan Hus (author: Richard Pachman)
    22.00 Silent procession with candles to the Vltava River every hour with experts and actors performing.

    Programme subject to change.

 Pilgrimage programme „In the circle of churches with Master Jan Hus“

  • Bethlehem Chapel
    15.00 Traditional mass to the memory of Jan Hus
  • St Salvátor Church
    15.00 Oratorium Johan Hus (Carl Loewe)
  • Churches in the centre of Prague: "Churches with Jan Hus“ 10.00 – 18.00 pilgrim programme – pilgrim cards, stamps; music, discussions, exhibitions as follows:
    Betlhlehem Chapel in Prague, Betlémské náměstí – as above + tour of the Jan Hus museum
    St Nicholas Church, Staroměstské náměstí – discussions and lectures of historians: prof. Šmahel, Prof. Lášek, prof. Čornej, ...
    St Salvátor Church, Salvátorská 1 – as above and more
    Týn Church, Staroměstské náměstí, Martin ve Zdi Church, Martinská 8 – Hus texts reading +  more, St Michal Church, V Jirchářích 14
    rotunda Nalezení sv. Kříže, Karoliny Světlé
    Ovocný trh 10.00 – 18.00 programme for children and families all day - competitions, games...
    Municipal House 19. 30 – 21.30 Gala evening to the 600th Jan Hus anniversary - FOK Praha, Premiere of „The Credo of Master Jan“ by J. Krček
    Gold coin presentation by the Czech National Bank for the 600th anniversary of Master Jan Hus

During the festivities it will be possible to financially support people affected by the war in Syria in a public collection.


Old Town Square