The Steadfast - From Franz Kafka to the Velvet Revolution
An alternate overview of the Czech art during 1918–1989. One school of thought claims that the artist, either literary or visual, is held co-responsible for the situation in the society they live in. Another school places the artist in an ivory tower to make their art even more beautiful. Both schools are right. It depends on what prevails. The originator of the Steadfast exhibition, Zuzana Brikcius, pursues the artists’ search for free creation, which is part of human rights, through their art or civil stances, and sometimes both.
The exhibition will feature 30 steadfast visual artists, among other things through their exclusive verbal expressions whether they are verses, diary notes, quotes, or interviews. The showcased artists include Otto Gutfreund, Jindřich Štýrský, Toyen, Josef Čapek, Mikuláš Medek, Stanislav Kolíbal, Eva Kmentová, Karel Nepraš, and Jiří Kolář. The steadfastness is not solely political or social, but it also lies in unwavering faith in one’s own artistic path. The writer Franz Kafka has inspired a wide range of the presented artists, inclusive of the exhibition’s curators, by his metaphysical work, critical thinking, and responsible social attitude.


Obecní dům - Municipal House, nám. Republiky 5, 111 21 Staré Město