St. Wenceslas Vintage Prague
The St. Wenceslas vineyard sits on a rocky promontory under Prague Castle between Klárov and Jelení Moat and is easily seen from the banks of the Vltava River and several bridges that span it, while it offers a beautiful view of historic Prague.
Its name recalls an ancient legend: it is said that at the beginning of the 10th century it was founded by St. Václav (Wenceslas) himself. At the St. Wenceslas Vintage, you can try wines from the major wineries of Bohemia and Moravia, see for yourself how the grapes are pressed, try fresh grape musts, as well as see what it’s like working with historic wine tools.


Villa Richter
Svatováclavská vinice - Pražský hrad
Staré zámecké schody
118 00 Praha 1