Folklore has deep roots in the Czech Republic. It is represented in Bohemia (mainly in Chodsko) and throughout Moravia. Typical features are national costumes, folk pottery, songs, sayings and proverbs, and the decoration of original dwellings.
When you say South Moravia, every Czech is reminded of embroidered costumes, painted pottery, songs and dances. Do you know them too? Folklore and traditions are inseparable from this area. Here are some tips on where to go to soak up the unique atmosphere.

Are you interested in how people used to live in South Moravia? Visit the Museum of Traditional Housing and Pearls in Senářov. In the Strážnice Open-air Museum, you will fall in love with folklore in such a way that you will want to take a little piece of it back home with you, if only in the form of a traditionally painted jug. Or drive just a short distance to the wine cellars of Plž, where the cellars were treated with such artful skill that in addition to the tasting of local wines, you will be enthralled by the blue-and-white beauty of the wall murals. And we can probably also include the inhabitants of Slovácko’s popularity for the mysterious sorb tree in this list. Take a walk through the sorb tree trail in the White Carpathians and taste the sorb tree’s fruit in a cider-like form at the finish. You are sure to love it just as much.

Or enjoy folklore traditions with all your senses with the White Carpathians as your backdrop in the wine village of Blatnice pod svatým Antonínkem. In addition to pilgrimages with fabulously billowing costumes, excellent wine and sonorous singing, the place is famous for its painted Easter eggs. Unique colourful ornaments on a black background are real folklore!

You can enjoy the presence of traditions and folklore during local festivities and festivals. You will certainly take away a wonderful experience from events such as the Crafts Fair in Kunštát (famous Kunštát ceramics), the Asparagus and Wine Festival in Ivančice, the International Folklore Festival in Strážnice, the Bzenecká Costumed Vintage, the Folklore Festival Kraj Beze Stínu Krumvíř, the Pickle Festival of Znojmo, wine markets of Valtice, Znojmo Historic Vintage and the Pálava Vintage.