Hipodrom Holoubek - horse racing, golf, hotel, camp and restaurant in Karlovy Vary
Go to the horse races or play golf right on the horse racecourse! On the grounds of the hippodrome in the UNESCO spa town of Karlovy Vary, you will also find a hotel, a camp with parking sites for camping cars and a restaurant in addition to a racecourse and a golf course.

Horse Racing

Enjoy the unique atmosphere of horse racing in Karlovy Vary, which is closely linked to the history and tradition of the UNESCO-listed spa town. The atmosphere of the spa town, together with the specific environment of the racecourse with its Art Nouveau grandstand, evokes the atmosphere of years gone by. The racecourse was opened in 1899.


A golf course for the general public and for tournaments of intermediate and lower categories has been built right on the racecourse. The nearly 5 km long course has 9 lanes with 18 greens.

Hotel, campsite and restaurant

You can stay directly on the hippodrome premises either in the cosy hotel U Šimla with 2-bedded rooms and an apartment for 4 to 6 persons or in the camping Stellplatz Hipodrom Holoubek with 16 places for motorhomes. The spa centre is a 15-minute walk away. In the hotel building, you will find the stylish restaurant U Šimla which serves Czech cuisine and other dishes. You can enjoy them on the summer terraces overlooking the greens and the golf course.