World’s Best Cities for Culture? Prague ranks 2nd according to Time Out!
Prague shines again! According to a survey by the well-known Time Out magazine, the Czech capital is the second best city for culture in the world and is the most affordable!

In a new survey by the well-known magazine Time Out, more than 21,000 urban residents worldwide shared their insights on culture in their cities. City-dwellers were surveyed about the best cultural venues and experiences in their metropolis. Additionally, they were asked to score their city's cultural offering, considering both the quality and affordability. And Prague earned the highest affordability score among all surveyed cities!

The most common answer given by locals when asked what they like about the culture in Prague? Simply ‘walking around’!

No wonder that just strolling through the charming streets and parks is something that the people of Prague simply love! As Time Out reported, Prague’s architectural splendor, with striking Gothic towers, arch bridges spanning the Vltava River, and many castles, makes the City of a Hundred Spires a veritable outdoor museum. However, the Czech capital offers much more - Prague is also a thriving center for the performing arts. Locals enthusiastically commended the city's opera heritage, classical concerts, and renowned venues like the National Theatre.

Yaren Fadiloglulari, a writer and Prague resident, shared with Time Out: “In spring, classical music lovers enjoy the Prague Spring International Music Festival. In summer, the picturesque Letná Park hosts the circus and theatre festival Letní Letná, and the Metronome Festival brings together musicians from all over the world. No matter what time of year, look out for ballets and operas at the National Theatre and contemporary art at MeetFactory.“

The world’s 20 best cities for culture

  1. Mexico City

  2. Prague

  3. Cape Town

  4. Buenos Aires

  5. Athens

  6. Edinburgh

  7. Vienna

  8. Madrid

  9. Florence

  10. Melbourne

  11. Paris

  12. Montreal

  13. Marrakech

  14. São Paulo

  15. New York City

  16. Tokyo

  17. Abu Dhabi

  18. Mumbai

  19. Amsterdam

  20. Seoul