A Spa for the Mind – Opening of the Season in Litomyšl
Each year people dressed in period costumes from the 1920s head for the centre of Litomyšl. The town puts on performances of professional as well as amateur dance groups, or – as the organisers say – of anyone who can entertain people, so you may also bump into singers and comedians. In short the opening of the Litomyšl season is a somewhat different town festival...
The small town of Litomyšl, a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasts a long tradition of culture and enlightenment and masterfully combines historic as well as modern architecture. On your stroll through the centre you will notice the town’s attention to detail, just look at the benches for example. Every year Litomyšl holds various sporting and cultural events. Smetana’s Litomyšl music festival ranks among the most significant of them. Bedřich Smetana, the world-renowned Czech composer, was born here, directly opposite the esteemed Renaissance Chateau. Apart from him the town was home to other personalities who played and play an important part in the history as well as the present times of the Czech Republic. The local folk are rightfully proud of them and the atmosphere of their town, which as they say does not heal the body but the mind.