Premonstratensian monastery in Nová Říše
The special atmosphere of this originally female monastery from the early 13th century will captivate you. The most important building of the monastery is the church of St. Peter and Paul from the second half of the 17th century, breathtaking is the library with 25,000 volumes. You will also find a world unique - a Gothic statue, which is probably the only one on earth that has stood in its original place since it was carved.
The monastery was founded in 1211 for the virgins of St. Norbert - the Premonstratensians. It functioned until 1596 when the female population of the monastery died out. To prevent the monastery from disappearing completely, in 1641 it was occupied by the Premonstratensians from Zábrdovice and thus a male monastery was established.

Within 3 guided tours, you can visit the Church of St. Peter and Paul from the second half of the 17th century with its rare frescoes; the oldest preserved room of the monastery, the Chapter Hall - the Chapel of St. Anne with the Gothic statue of St. Anna that is probably the only statue in the world that has stood since its creation in its original place for which it was carved; 4 exhibition rooms; a reception room; a picture gallery; a treasury and, above all, the monastery library with 25,000 volumes. Among them four rare of an 18th-century herbarium, which became the model for the decoration of traditional Czech pottery from Nová Říše.