The Man Who Stopped the Sun and Moved the Earth
This year marks 550 years since Nicolaus Copernicus was born. He was a pioneer of modern astronomy, whose name ranks alongside such thinkers as Galileo Galilei or Johannes Kepler. He came up with the daring theory that everything in our solar system rotates around the Sun and that the Earth is not the centre of the universe. Celebrate his birthday symbolically – by looking at the sky! Whether through a huge telescope in observatories or from the darkest places in Czechia.

Copernicus, a Renaissance Man

Young Nicolaus, born on 19 February 1473 in western Prussia, studied mathematics and astronomy at the Krakow University, law at the University of Bologna in Italy and also medicine in Padua. He spent his whole life in Frombork, Poland, where he worked as a doctor for the local bishop, a geographer and a clerk, as well as a Roman Catholic priest. However, the stars and the universe became his lifelong passion.

Are You the Next Copernicus? Into the World of Darkness Past the Stars

Even though Nicolaus Copernicus never worked in the Czech lands, he influenced many Renaissance thinkers at that time in the Czech Kingdom. Today, we can commemorate his legacy by watching the night sky! And that’s best done in a place where darkness rules, even in the 21st century.

You can watch the stars in the Jizera dark sky area in North Bohemia. Measurements indicate it is the darkest place in Czechia. Unlike in cities where you can see about 50 stars, you can see up to 2,000 stars with the naked eye in this mountain area when the conditions are good!

Or go to the Manětín dark sky area in West Bohemia. The sparsely populated rural area has an exceptionally low amount of light pollution, a preserved night environment and very good conditions for watching the night sky.
The Beskids dark sky area in North Moravia also provides great conditions. You can look into deep space through a giant astronomical telescope at DARK SKY Beskydy – Park tmavé oblohy every day when the weather permits!

Up to Space! Touch the Stars in Observatories and Planetariums

See the stars in a way Copernicus would not even dream of. Through a huge telescope in an observatory or a large-scale projector in a planetarium. There are many opportunities in Czechia! Would you like to see space in the largest 3D planetarium in Central Europe? Do you wonder what it is like to drive a spaceship or how high you could jump on the Moon? All you need to do is choose your starry adventure!

Up to the Stars!

Up to the Stars!

Come on a journey of scientific knowledge, explore the space or even the smallest atom! We would like to invite you on a tour of planetariums, science centres and other interactive science museums where fun comes hand in hand with learning. Find out how the human eye works, why the sky is blue, or what a red dwarf is. Or would you rather explore the mystery of black holes? The planetariums and science centres are ready to answer any questions about science! You can find Czech science centres and planetariums – the places where learning is fun – in Prague, Brno, Hradec Králové, Liberec, Olomouc, Ostrava and Plzeň. Each one is different, but they all offer an unusual experience.