“Tvarůžky” Cheese Festival in Olomouc
Do you know the old saying, the worse the cheese smells, the better it tastes? Try the smelly cheese of Olomouc and discover for yourself that this is true.
In late-April, all lovers of really good and very "fragrant" cheese will meet in Olomouc. The Olomouc cheese called “tvarůžky” or in other words “syrečky” of Loštice is a regional specialty protected by the trademark of the European Union. It is ripened cheese made of skimmed milk with a low fat content. The people of Moravia are so proud of it that they dedicated all of the municipal festivities to this cheese.  The Olomouc festival of “tvarůžky” will be accompanied by Hanakia folklore groups and a presentation of local mini breweries so festival goers can wash down this piquant cheese.

If you are interested in the history of gastronomic specialties, visit the Museum of “Olomoucké Tvarůžky” in Loštice, where this popular delicacy is produced. You will learn, among other things, that this Olomouc cheese can also be used for the preparation of sweet desserts. These can be tasted in Olomouc – just visit the special “tvarůžky” sweet shop.