Monasteries in Český Krumlov
The double convent of the monks and nuns of St. Francis was founded by the noble Rosenberg family in the mid-14th century, and has been transformed many times since then.  The last significant transformation only happened recently.  Today, in the buildings of the former monasteries, you will find museum expositions, community halls and gardens that are open to the public.  
In the centre of Český Krumlov, one of the heritage sites enlisted by UNESCO, the vast compound has recently been opened after the repair of several monastery buildings and adjacent gardens. Set off on a journey through history and tour the interesting accessible expositions.
The monastery was founded by the widowed Katherine of Rosenberg and her sons in 1350. At the end of the 14th century, a third monastery was added to the two existing ones, creating this unique three monastery compound. The premises were home to the order of Minors for men, and two female orders – St. Claire and beguine nuns.
The current look of the monastery is based on several construction periods.  You will find Gothic foundations of buildings from the 14th century as well as their late Gothic modification. From that time, the unique Gothic roof beams have been preserved. The current look of the monastery compound comes from the Baroque reconstruction that took place in the 17th and 18th century. The last monastery to be abolished exactly 600 years after its foundation was the Minor monastery in 1950. The buildings were then used for various purposes, which had an effect on their condition. 

Museum Expositions and Exhibition Premises

The former monasteries are now used as a modern cultural and educational centre.  The monasteries of Český Krumlov teach its visitors, namely children and families, about the life in monasteries, the culture, history and art of the period and create an interesting space for learning and experience.
You can visit an exposition on the Life and Art in the Minor Monastery or Life and Art in the St. Claire Cloister. Both expositions depict the everyday life of monks and nuns.  You should definitely take children to the permanent interactive exposition of human skills and crafts of our ancestors. The exposition is in the St. Claire cloister provides information about the crafts and skills of past generations and the traditional knowledge and skills of medieval monasteries.  Monasteries used to be centres of culture and education where not only skills related to economic and farming activities were cultivated, but also those dealing with the knowledge of nature, its observation and understanding.
There are also craft shops on the premises where workshops, seminars and various short-term exhibitions take place. When visiting Český Krumlov, do not miss this newly open facility.


Kláštery Český Krumlov - Návštěvnické centrum, Klášterní dvůr 97, 381 01 Český Krumlov