Active holidays in Kralický Sněžník
The panoramic mountain scenery where the Tichá Orlice and Morava rivers rise, with the largest completed artillery fortress in the border fortifications, a dense network of bike paths and modern new ski centre. Kralický Sněžník, the third highest mountain range in the Czech Republic, could be characterised in precisely this manner. Enjoy the peaks of Kralický Sněžník with its extensive historical fortifications which still command respect to this very day.

The quality of the environment in this part of the Czech Republic ranks among the cleanest. If you want to enjoy the magic of the untouched countryside from a height, a hike awaits you rising several hundreds of metres. You can travel the trails leading around the Czechoslovak defensive complexes built before World War Two, such as Bouda Fortress, the U potoka infantry bunker or the unfinished Hůrka Fortress by bike, on foot or even on horseback.

Ski like international cross-country athletes

The temperature does not rise above freezing point here for five long months and it snows here four months in the year. This attracts lovers of winter sports. The Sněžník Ski Centre will satisfy the requirements of the most demanding of skiers as will the fully equipped ski centres located in the beautiful area of Lower Moravia. Cross-country skiers will appreciate the cross-country skiing area of Jeřáb leading to the historical centre of the carving town of Králíky, which has become famed the world over for its carved nativity scenes and other handicraft products.

Treasures in Tvarožné díry

Tvarožné díry are karst caves, which gained their specific name from the off-white limestone sediment which is reminiscent of curd cheese. According to legend, fabulous treasures are hidden in Tvarožné díry, which were left here by Italian gold-diggers who, according to the chronicles, came here in the 17th century to mine gold.

Nature trail around the Czechoslovak fortifications

If you are interested in military history, you will certainly enjoy a visit to the Králíky Museum with its exhibition devoted to the army, as well as the well-preserved U Cihelny fortress bunker, which became legendary thanks to its robustness. Just like the other fortifications, it was built before World War Two as protection against a possible attack by Nazi Germany, so it was tested by being shot at with all available weapons yet despite this was not destroyed. Set out in the footsteps of the most sophisticated defence system in Europe of that time on a nature trail which is 12 kilometres long and which has 13 stops. It starts and ends with Mladkov Railway Station in the region of Lower Moravia.
Set out to Kralický Sněžník in search of history and active relaxation.