Leoš Janáček Memorial in Brno
It used to be a humble house where Leoš Janáček lived from 1910 to his death. In this building Janáček created his greatest works. From this very house he walked to the near organ school in Chleborád’s Villa and it was here that he experienced all the emotional turns of his life as well as satisfaction over the success of his work.
The exposition in the Leoš Janáček Memorial will tell you all about his life and oeuvre. It features an audiovisual hall, one part of the exposition is devoted to his greatest works and the greatest attraction is probably Janáček’s fully preserved study with his piano. Another part of the house harbours a modern exposition that will show and tell you more about the composer’s life including some of his most famous works. You will also have the option to listen to audio samples and to watch video documentaries to make your impression of Janáček’s life complete.